Joel Beck

Talent Finder

+44 (0)204 525 2064

I have always held a love for video games, art and creative pursuits, spending the large majority of my free time either playing games or working on personal projects - ranging from D&D to painting miniatures to my Unreal Engine Projects. I hold a bachelor's degree in games design and hope to bring my prior experience of talent acquisition to InGame Recruitment. 

With my passion from a young age, I always felt reverence for those that manage to forge the worlds that we enjoy and getting the chance to chat with those individuals is always a blissful encounter. Getting to find talented and passionate programming professionals for our clients to build those worlds is magic 

Current favourite games (at this moment) are; Baldur's Gate 3, Starcraft 2, Final Fantasy 9, SMT: Nocturne and Persona 3.